Remove Discolorations On Your Teeth With Tooth Whitening Treatments

By Cherry Mercer

Although everybody admires white teeth, this is not always the case as staining and discoloration of teeth causes a lot of discomfort, and unhappiness. Many people seek for tooth whitening treatments in order to restore the natural appearance of teeth. Discolorations and staining on teeth may be caused by many things and one is aging. As people advance in age, their teeth begin to assume yellow unpleasant color.

Another cause of staining in teeth is the food people take. Food is a major contributing factor to staining of otherwise initially white teeth. If you take foods like coffee, blackcurrant, tea and red wine you are also likely to have a change in the color of your teeth. Smoking also causes teeth to change their colors causing an undesirable look.

As people get older, the color of their teeth will change. Foods like coffee, tea, blackcurrant and red wine are known to cause change in color of the teeth or staining. If you take these foods, you are most probably having colored or stained teeth. Smoking is another cause for stained teeth and people who smoke for long have very pronounced stains on their teeth.

Other teeth stains are caused by calculus or a tartar. Moreover, stains on teeth can also be caused by tiny cracks, which allow a tooth to take up stains. Some antibiotics have also been associated with staining and people who use these medications develop stains under the surface of teeth. Because people feel unhappy about their teeth condition, they seek for ways to reduce and lighten the stains.

This procedure may require several visits to a dentist and it may take several weeks. Your first visit to the dentist will prepare the mouth for the treatment with use of a mouthguard. The treatment once started, can be continued right from your home meaning that you will apply the ingredient at home. Before your dentist recommends a treatment procedure, an assessment of the teeth is done in order to ensure that you are suitable for the procedure.

A dentist may protect the gums using a gel or a rubber that is fitted inside the mouth. Moreover, stains may also be removed with use of laser aided equipments. In this procedure, active ingredients in bleaching products are applied and the laser is used to aid the reaction of the bleaching chemical thus cleaning the stained teeth. Teeth whitening only work in natural tooth and it may not work on other types of artificial dental structures like dentures, veneers, and crowns.

Some white patches may form on the gum line while other people experience sore throat. Although there are home kits used to whiten teeth, they should be used with caution. Some of these home kits may contain mild acids and abrasions and therefore you need to check the ingredients that make up the products.

In essence, you can change the undesirable appearance of your teeth color by using whitening products or by getting a tooth whitening treatment from a dentist. Lifestyle changes can help treatment effects to last for long. One thing you need to know is that these treatments may not be able to completely turn the stained teeth to a sparkling white appearance and they may only lighten the color.

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