Healthy Spices For Increased Wellness

By Camille Nicholson

when you are looking for natural remedies for many of the modern diseases and conditions, it is recommended that you avoid the medicine cabinet. Instead, head for the spice cabinet and improve flavors of your foods while fighting issues such as cancer, inflammation, cardiovascular disease and autoimmune conditions.
Here are some spices that are both natural and effective. These healthy spices can all be found in a supermarket.

Cinnamon has a sweet and aromatic smell and is known for its antioxidant properties. Antioxidants can be effective against Parkinson's, diabetes, Alzheimers and cancer. Reducing blood sugar levels helps insulin to be more powerful and is a weapon against cardiovascular problems. It is important to be sure that the spice is actually cinnamon rather than the more common cassia.

Another Alzheimer's fighter is sage. The aromatic spice blocks the formation of an enzyme known as acetylcholinesterase. When the level of the enzyme is controlled, cognition is improved. Sage is also known for its ability to improve digestion. Including culinary levels of sage in the diet may help with symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes. It does so by behaving in a similar manner as the hormone estrogen.

Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric. This substance is another strong antioxidant. It has been used in research studies for its ability to limit the development of amyloid plaque and the growth of cancer cells. Turmeric regulates insulin levels and triglycerides which boosts heart health and protects the entire cardiovascular system. In many ways, the spice acts like a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory. It eliminates the side effects associated with the drugs. Turmeric is believed to be effective against multiple sclerosis and similar autoimmune disorders.

A major active ingredient in thyme is thymol, a volatile oil. This oil is known for its antimicrobial qualities. In studies, thymol is effective against certain types of food poisoning, staph infections and E. Coli. To improve digestion, as well as to improve the health of your hair and scalp, use this aromatic spice.

Many people over the years turn to ginger as a way to settle the stomach. Improving the digestive process may reduce the likelihood of gastric ulcers. For other individuals, ginger has benefits in pain relief. Menstrual cramps may be lessened, as well as the pain of migraine headaches. Ginger may be influential against osteoarthritis and chronic inflammations.

There are a couple of components found in the spice rosemary which are beneficial. Dating back to ancient Greece, students prepared for major exams by wearing rosemary in their hair. They believed in the power of the spice to improve memory. Carnosic acid is effective again brain-based free radicals. This reduces the risk of strokes and the onset of Alzheimer's symptoms. Carnosol is believed to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

These spices and others as well perform a great many functions in the human body to improve health and wellness. In many cases, the healthy spices have no side effects and are fully as effective against conditions such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, food poisoning, multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's. Be sure that you check for potential problems when using the spices. You may need to limit the use of the ingredients to no more than would be used for culinary purposes.

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