Not Another Fad Diet: Real Weight Loss Strategies For Real Weight Loss

By James T. Chaweng

If you're like many of us, you have struggled to lose weight at some point in your life. Weight loss can often seem like an unobtainable goal if you have not educated yourself about healthy, lasting ways to lose weight. So do yourself a favor and read this article!

If your goal is increased weight loss, try keeping a journal. It is so easy to eat more, and more often, than you realize you do. By keeping a journal, you can track when and what you eat, and what you were doing and feeling at the time. Over time, this information can give you tremendous insight into your eating habits and help you to make beneficial changes.

A great way to boost your weight loss is to eat only fresh foods. The further away a food is from its natural state, the more likely it is to be less nutritious and more fattening. Make a commitment to ban all boxes, bags and bottles from your shopping cart and just focus on fresh foods. If you do, you are sure to lose some pounds.

To remind yourself to stay motivated on your weight loss journey, ask someone to take a photo of you. Post it where it will be easy to see, or keep extra copies with you. Each time you start to overdo it with food, or you don't want to exercise, look at the photo to remind yourself of what you want to change.

Read food label ingredients to find out which foods to stay way from for weight loss and general health. Many diets ask you to track your calorie, fat gram or carbohydrate intake. Find out which one you should be tracking for your particular diet, and follow through with it. When you know what you're putting in your mouth, it becomes easier to not fall prey to a repetitive battle with weight gain.

When dieting to lose weight, be sure to make breakfast part of your daily routine. Studies have shown that people who eat breakfast are thinner and healthier than people who do not eat breakfast. Eating breakfast will also help keep you from getting hungry and overeating later in the day.

Having protein with every meal will help you lose weight and feel fuller longer. Protein is a kick start for the metabolism which is key for losing weight and maintaining healthy body weights. Protein helps you feel satiated which will keep you from snacking and help you make better choices.

Continue eating foods you love, even sugar-filled, fattening foods, in moderation when trying to lose weight. When you completely deny yourself your favorite foods, you are more likely to end up binging. This leads to more calories eaten than if you just occasionally indulged in your favorite fattening foods.

If you apply one or more of these helpful tips to help you in your quest to get fit, you can be nearly certain that you will lose a few pounds. The more work you put into the process, the better the results are that you will see in the end.

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