Should Women Stick To Cardio Exercise And Stay Away From Lifting Weights?

By Russ Hollywood

If you are a lady trying to achieve a leaner, toned physique in the gym there is probably one question you have been dying to ask a trainer - Should women lift weights? Today you will get your answer. We will also reveal what supplements to take to maximize your results in your local gym.

The fitness industry, much like life itself, continues to evolve and develop with every year that passes. Just think how far computers have come in the last two decades. You wouldn't go back to using a Commodore 64 now when you have an iPhone 4, right? Yet the fitness industry has undergone a similar journey during this time and there are many folks out there who still follow outdated advice.

They'll tell you that women will get big and bulky if they touch weights. They will advise you that carbohydrates are to be treated as the enemy. They'll ignore recent scientific proof in favor of following routines laid out by their favorite television celebrity. Usually, they'll also struggle to see any significant long-term results. []

For some reason, huge amounts of exercise enthusiasts are unaware that many of the age old theories and myths surrounding weight loss and muscle building have been scientifically researched and now have either evidence to back them up or evidence to disprove them. Sadly, most people still stick to advice like the things you can read above, which date back decades and have no academic foundations.

Contrary to what you may have been told in the past, lifting weights is excellent for losing fat. Furthermore, if you aspire to achieve a lean, ripped body then they are a vital part of your training program.

What about the old wives tales? Won't you end up getting huge muscles like a bodybuilding competitor?

No, you will not. Imagine if building lean muscle was as easy as simply picking up some dumbbells a few times per week. Every guy in your workplace would own the physique of Rambo! It's not that easy, and bodybuilders only obtain that type of muscular physique by dedicating their lifestyle to their craft. If you want to bring out the definition in your muscles then you need to start doing some form of resistance training on a regular basis.

One of the main reasons why ladies shouldn't be concerned with the prospect of gaining a lot of muscle mass is testosterone. Testosterone levels are severely lower in females than in males and this factor alone is enough to squash any doubts lingering in the back of your mind. This also squashes the myth that ladies must do high rep sets to avoid gaining size, so feel free to pick up a weight which actually challenges you next time.

Try to stick to compound movements such as squats, deadlifts, bench presses and lat pulldowns for the first couple of months. This will allow you to significantly increase your strength, while keeping your weight sessions relatively short as you ease yourself into your new lifting lifestyle.

A good supplement plan is very simple. It's easy to over complicate the whole procedure here and end up eating pills with breakfast, lunch and dinner. The truth is when you have a solid diet in place you do not need an endless array of additional products. Ensure you get a top whey protein, but everything else is optional. If your goal is to build more lean muscle than you have right now then you should also look towards adding a creatine monohydrate and glutamine product to that list.

Knowing what supplements to take can become tricky due to the amount of hype out there, so the best advice is to simply get a solid diet in place and then keep things simple. Not only do you now know the answer to the age old question 'Should women lift weights or not?', you are now in a position to help others get to the bottom of this popular fitness myth.

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