Weight Loss Ideas for Women: 5 Vital Slimming Keys

Considering that there are so many diet pills and diet program promising instant slimming, it's natural to assume that some are fake, and don't work. In fact, there are diet pills that have negative side effects on you, and certain diet programs will put your health at risk.
So, the best way to achieve safe and fast dieting is to get some great weight loss ideas for women, and an effective dieting plan.

Are fast food restaurants and take-out delis common in your world? Staying fit and healthy can be a struggle. Many people eat fatty foods and large servings that can ruin your new health program, and health.

Read on to Discover 5 Slimming Steps:

5. How much to Lose?

4. Fruits and Veggies: Speed up Metabolism with Fiber

3. Water: Flush Toxins for Faster Slimming

2. Avoid Fatty and Processed Foods: Reduce Bad Cholesterol

1. Exercise: Increase Metabolism, Strengthen your Heart

5. How much to Lose?

On average, losing 2 or 3 pounds a week is considered a healthy loss of excess weight.

A 40 year old man who is 6', and 200 pounds, with almost no exercise, will need to eat 1800 calories per week to lose 10 pounds in 6 weeks.

A 40 year old woman who is 5'5" and 150 pounds, with almost no exercise, would need to eat 1300 calories per week to lose 10 pounds in 6 weeks.

Male, fatter, exercising, taller, and younger person, are characteristics that will increase the calories for weight maintenance or reduction.

Female, thinner, sedentary, shorter, and older, are characteristics that will decrease the calories for weight maintenance or reduction.

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4. Fruits and Veggies: Speed up Metabolism with Fiber

Fruits and vegetables help with healthy loss of weight because they're all natural and healthy; they're fiber rich and will help you burn fat quickly and safely. They provide essential vitamins and minerals for the body and regulate metabolism and blood circulation.

At least five portions of fruit and vegetables per day are recommended for a healthy loss of weight.

3. Water: Flush Toxins for Faster Slimming

Water is important for a healthy diet because it regulates bodily functions and flushes toxins and other harmful chemicals from the body. It's recommended that you drink at least eight glasses of water per day.

2. Avoid Fatty and Processed Foods: Reduce Bad Cholesterol

Some foods contain trans-fatty acids that can increase cholesterol levels and bad fats in your body. Trans-fats can be detrimental to a person's health because it can cause diseases like fatty liver disease and hypertension.

Avoid fat laden foods like burgers, fries, chips, and other processed foods. On the other hand, healthy food choices like lean meat, fish, eggs and carbohydrates should be eaten because they provide nutrients and minerals needed by the body to function efficiently and optimally.

1. Exercise: Increase Metabolism, Strengthen your Heart

Regular exercise is needed if you're to be successful in slimming down. Exercise burns calories and regulates bodily functions: it increases your rate of metabolism and improves blood circulation; it even lowers cholesterol levels and gives you a healthier heart.

There are many benefits from regular exercise, and it's recommended to exercise for 30 minutes a day.

Remember to try these 5 Vital Slimming Steps:

5. How much to Lose?

4. Fruits and Veggies: Speed up Metabolism with Fiber

3. Water: Flush Toxins for Faster Slimming

2. Avoid Fatty and Processed Foods: Reduce Bad Cholesterol

1. Exercise: Increase Metabolism, Strengthen your Heart

Eating a healthy diet and exercising is the proven way to reduce fat, and it's safer than taking diet pills and using crash diets and other programs. It can be easily maintained and is proven to be effective.

Do some research to find the best diet plan that will give you enough weight loss ideas for women to help you get to your reducing goal.

Hi, I'm Scott Erickson, and I wrote this article.
Want more slimming help? Get my free Fast Action Weight Loss Report, 2 dieting and tips articles, a calorie calculator, and more:

• Fast Action Report
• 2 powerful articles
• Daily Calorie Needs Calculator

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stephen_Scott_Erickson

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